Thursday 13 October 2016

Progress Report-13/10/16

After the initial research that we have conducted into areas such as genre and form, as well as analysing existing media products, hearing the opinions of our target audience and looking into successful marketing campaigns, we now have some more ideas in regards to what the content of our work will be.

For our trailer, we like the idea of having a female main character, who is possibly bullied or isolated by her peers, until something alters inside of her and she ends up inflicting pain or death on the people who have crossed her in any way. One of our friends who we worked with on our production last year, Lucy, has said that she would like to feature as this character, and we believe she is perfect for the role due to her excellent acting skills. We would like to show a particular focus on her mindset and how this changes as time goes on due to the constant bullying, and how this can affect the psychological state of an individual. Having a female protagonist allows us to follow some conventional elements of horror, but we can then subvert this by also having the same character be the eventual antagonist, as the killer in horror films is often male, which allows our trailer to be a bit more unique. This character will also be of a similar age to our target audience, which will allow them to relate to her more, and this could lead to them showing more of an understanding for the way in which she behaves. Ultimately, we think it is very important to focus on the development of this character in particular throughout our trailer, as although she will eventually become the antagonist, this will allow the audience to see the reasons behind why she has developed this psychological state.

Our initial ideas for the film poster are that it will follow a red, white and black colour scheme, as these colours are particularly conventional within the horror genre. This will allow a member of our target audience to immediately identify the genre of the film and assess whether or not they are interested in looking further into the film's release. On the poster, we would also like to feature our main character as the main image on the poster, showing half of her image on one side of the poster, with a tagline on the other half, but this idea may change as we conduct further research and planning. For this image, we thought that it would be effective if she was dressed in an all white outfit to connote innocence and purity, but then to contradict this by maybe having blood on her face or clothes, and have her pictured with a sinister facial expression. We will also need to create a unique font that fits with our colour scheme and allows the genre to be identified, and we will need to adopt this font across all of our promotional elements in order to show cohesiveness. For the magazine cover, we know that we will probably follow a similar colour scheme to our poster and trailer, but one of the most important elements will be to develop a unique, eye-catching masthead. We will need our masthead to capture the genre of the magazine, so fonts and colours are something that we would have to consider carefully. An idea for the image that we had is to again feature our main character, but to reveal more of her image and have her showing the audience a direct mode of address.

Ultimately, the research we have conducted so far has allowed us to effectively develop our initial ideas further as we have learnt more about the typical form of trailers, magazine covers and film posters, which are new elements to us. We have also learnt how to make our promotional campaign cohesive from the research conducted into existing campaigns, and learnt more about the typical conventions of the horror genre that are incorporated into each element of our chosen promotional package. At this point, I am pleased with the progress that we are currently making with regards to the development of our ideas and all the research that we have conducted.

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