Thursday 23 June 2016

Initial Ideas

Above are some my group's initial ideas when first faced with our chosen brief. We kept our ideas open to a range of genres, such as romance. With regards to the romance genre, we considered how we could make it work effectively, without it being cheesy or lacking in impact. We concluded that although we thought a romance trailer could be an option, given the right actors and a specific style of editing, we felt that it was not the best genre for our group to be working in, especially as we have no previous experience in this area.

In terms of action/adventure, we decided to revisit our ideas within this genre, as it was one that we considered working in on our production piece last year. We felt that the fast paced nature of the genre would work effectively for a film trailer, as it will be able to engage the audience more consistently. There are a variety of settings around us that could be used in order to make the film trailer more versatile, but after some deliberation we decided it was not the genre for us. This is because we felt that a lot of action/adventure films in this era rely heavily on the use of special effects, which we do not have the access to on our budget.

Finally, we decided we would again work within the horror genre, as we have previous experience with this area from our AS production. However, last year we focused on the sub-genre of psychological horror, but this year our ideas seem to be aimed more towards the slasher sub-genre. We felt that even though we are remaining within the horror genre, producing a film trailer for a slasher would be a new challenge for our group, and we feel that it is something we could produce to an excellent standard.

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