Tuesday 21 June 2016

Response to the brief

 In our group, we chose to respond to the following brief:

2. A promotion package for a new film, to include a trailer, together with two of the following three options:
 • a website homepage for the film;
• a film magazine front cover, featuring the film;
• a poster for the film.

From the above list, the two ancillary tasks we have chosen to produce are the web homepage for the film as well as a poster for the film, to complete the promotion package. Our decision was based upon the fact that as a group we had previous experience with a moving image task, as we produced the opening sequence to a film for our AS coursework. We felt that producing a film trailer would challenge us as it is very different form of moving image, and there would be lots of factors that we would have to consider. With a trailer, we have more freedom to create more of a full story line, rather than the opening scene alone.

Before beginning with our initial ideas, we thought it would be beneficial to reflect on our previous production from last year, in order to identify what we did well and the elements of our work that we can focus on improving this year. As a group, we understood that our strengths were the following:
  • Used a variety of formats to present our work.
  • Our time management was effective during the research and planning stage.
  • Our narrative effectively fitted with our chosen genre.
  • Our chosen actor worked perfectly with our production.
However, we also identified our areas that definitely needed a lot of improvement:
  • Secure our narrative early on in the research and planning stages in order to be confident with it throughout the year.
  • Manage our time more effectively and be more organised with our coursework tasks.
  • Allocate individual roles in an early stage to ensure that the tasks are shared more effectively and that we all have a clear idea of our responsibilities from the start.
  • Be more efficient.
In our initial thoughts, we proposed that our target audience would be the same as or similar to the age range that we focused on last year, which was around 15-21 year olds. We think that this would be an appropriate age range, as we are all part of it which means that we can have more of an understanding of what people our age would like to see. This will help us when deciding on our narrative, as we can make a judgement as to whether our friends or ourselves would be interested in our storyline and whether or not it would engage an audience.

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